Showing posts with label polka dots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label polka dots. Show all posts

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Minnie Mouse Birthday!

At HankOrange, we aim to please!

When customers ask me to create something specific, it is an honor and I work hard to create the perfect item. Recently, Karina {who is a woman of many talents} asked me to make a dress for her daughter’s third birthday party.  Her little girl was having a Minnie Mouse themed party {so fun!} and wanted a ‘pillowcase’ dress for her to wear.

After the party, Karina {who also happens to be an amazing professional photographer; check out her website}, was nice enough to share some photos of her adorable little girl wearing her HankOrange
dress.  She was also kind enough to write a little review for me {and make me blush a bit with her complimentary words!}

Here is what Karina had to say:

“My daughter had a Minnie Mouse Birthday party and I went a-hunting on pinterest for some ideas for her party.  I found a dress that I liked and e-mailed the picture to Amy at HankOrange.  She (of course), found an even MORE fabulous fabric and added her own adorable touches to make it a one of a kind piece that we will treasure forever.  There was a black and white fabric along the bottom that gave it detail and definition.  She also added a Minnie Mouse silhouette with her own
little pink ribbon that my daughter could tie (and untie!  Let’s be honest – she’s 3!)  I also loved that all of the ribbons were sewn in so they can’t be lost!  Knowing me, we would have NEVER found them again.
The dress perfectly matched our cake, our Minnie Mouse Tea Party set, and the Minnie Mouse headband that I had purchased weeks before for her to wear.  I couldn’t have planned it better!

Thank you Amy for always creating such great pieces and for saving me again and again for searching FOREVER for the perfect outfit for my little toddler’s special days!”

Thank YOU Karina, for the kind words!

I’m thinking about making girls' dresses to add to the HankOrange collection.  What do you think? I’m thinking if all little girls look this adorable; every girl should have one {she makes HankOrange look good!}!


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