Showing posts with label military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label military. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Welcome Home Ranger!

A big smile is on my face as I type this.   Another military family is ‘complete’ once again.  Another solider returned home, safely!

One of my best friends had me make three ‘Daddy is my Hero’ shirts for her sweet kiddos to wear at the Welcome Home ceremony for her husband.  

Looking at these pictures, I can’t help but grin knowing how happy they all must be!

Welcome Home Ranger! 

Thank you for doing what you do and serving our country! 

Rangers Lead The Way!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome Home

Welcome.  Home.  The two words are simple.  But when combined together, their meaning is powerful, Welcome Home. 

The words might not mean much to you, but to me, the two words are what you look forward to saying for months.  They could be two of the sweetest words you could ever hear.  ‘Welcome Home.’

Those two words can also bring on lots of emotion.  I associate the words with deployment.  When I hear ‘Welcome Home,’ I often get goose bumps thinking about a soldier who is about to be reunited with his or her loved ones after a lengthy separation.  And by lengthy, I mean months.  And lots of them. 

Much preparation goes into ‘welcome home’ when welcoming home a loved one from a war zone.  You count down the days.  You think about what you will say, what you will wear, and what it will be like to finally be reunited. 

The reunion.  What you look forward to from the moment they walk away from your family, and almost every moment they are gone, until the day they return.

As a military spouse, I’ve been honored to attend several Welcome Home ceremonies – for both my soldier and several for friends returning from the war zone. 

I’m honored that HankOrange has been asked to create special ‘welcome home’ shirts for both boys and girls.  I get goose bumps every time thinking about a little one getting to see his or her Daddy (or Mommy) very soon!  What an honor it is!

Thank you to those who have trusted HankOrange.  And a much bigger Thank You to those who have severed and continue to serve our country.   

Welcome Home heros!



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