Showing posts with label charity miles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity miles. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

Every Mother Counts

'Like your life depended on it!’

This morning I was in need of some serious motivation while getting my booty kicked in spin class.   I started thinking {daydreaming!} about my friend and spin instructor back in California.  She would often throw out sayings during class to motivate and get us to work harder.   Usually they worked {at least for me!}.

“Do it like your life depended on it,” was a saying she threw out at least on one occasion.  The quote made me think.  My life doesn’t depend on whether or not I work as hard as I can in spin class, or while out running.  I have the ability to bike or to run, or to exercise any way I want.  And go for miles.  

But not everyone is that lucky.   
And, in some cases, a life does depend on how far someone can walk.

This month, along with my fellow Oiselle teammates {and anyone else who wants to join!}, I am raising money for the organization Every Mother Counts through the app called ‘CharityMiles.’

Every Mother Counts is a campaign to end preventable deaths caused by pregnancy and childbirth around the world.

Every day I am going to run {or walk} at least one mile.  Because every mile does count.  Every mother does count.  Someone’s life DOES depend on it!

What are you willing to do for others?

Do it like your life depended on it. 

Because you can.  Because I can.

Because someone’s life does depend on it.

Will you join me in supporting Every Mother Counts?  

I will. 

Every. Mother. Counts

Join me!!  Just download the Charity Miles app onto your phone, and log in before your run {or bike, or walk} and for every mile you log, Every Mother Counts will receive $.25.  Yes, it IS that easy!

Want to do more? You can help fundraise here.  Or, you can shop the Every Mother Counts collection from Oiselle and 40% of the proceeds go directly to EMC.

And, check out this video!  Why We Run Video



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