Showing posts with label add color. Show all posts
Showing posts with label add color. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Add A Little Color!

Need a Quick and Easy way to add a little color?

Why not a simple table runner?
 {Quick and Easy Tutorial!}

HankOrange Table Runner/ Flowers from Target

I wanted {needed} a little spring color added to my kitchen table. 
A good way to add some color- table runner! 
So, I thought I’d make a quick table runner.   I found some fun aqua fabric recently at the fabric store and I used scrap fabric that I had left over from other projects for the back.
This runner is simple, quick, and adds a fun pop of color to the table! 

Measure. Cut. Pin. Sew. Turn right-side-out. Iron. Top stitch.  Done!
Ready to make one?
I think from start to finish {after deciding what size I wanted it to be} it took less than 20 minutes.   Easy peasy!

Supplies Needed:
*Sewing Machine

Decide how big you’d like your runner to be.  You can make it any size.  
{Mine is roughly 13” x  30”}
First, measure your two fabrics, then cut.  You can measure and cut one piece, then lay the second fabric over top and cut.  I used two different fabrics, but you can easily use the same {and save yourself time too}!
Next, pin the two pieces together.  Make sure the RIGHT SIDES of the fabric are facing. 
Sew together. 
 *Make sure to leave an opening {roughly 4-5 inches} so you can turn right-side-out.
When done sewing the pieces together, cut the corners off next to the seam.  This will take away the extra bulk when you turn the fabric the right way.
Turn the fabric the right way, by pulling it through the seam opening.
Iron.  Pay attention the opening and make sure when you fold in the raw edges, the fabric aligns on both sides.

Top stitch around the entire thing.
Now find a surface that needs some extra color and put your new runner there!
Flowers from Target
My new runner is now on my kitchen table! 
Where will you put yours?! 


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