Showing posts with label Daddy hero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daddy hero. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

HankOrange is famous!

Well, maybe not famous.   But, there is a chance that HankOrange will make a television debut!   Two adorable little boys will be wearing shirts created by HankOrange and they will be on TV. 

Let me explain.  A while back a lady contacted me about making some ‘welcome home’ shirts for her two boys.  I was excited she chose HankOrange to make special shirts for her boys.   After a bit of back and forth conversation, I learned that her husband’s Army unit was coming home from a year deployment, the following week!  Excitement!  I also learned that their unit was a part of a new television series,  “Married to the Army: Alaska.”   

Photo courtesy of Jen Hammer Photography

I was thrilled.  First of all, Welcome Home ceremonies are a big deal and I get excited knowing that I’m making special shirts for little ones who will soon be reunited with their Daddy.  Second, I was super excited thinking that HankOrange shirts could possibly make an appearance on this new TV show! Yeah!

Photo courtesy of Jen Hammer Photography

So, if you’re as curious as I am if HankOrange creations will be on TV, you can watch the premier of  ‘Married to the Army: Alaska’ on November 18th…   You know I’ll be watching! 
To see a preview of the show, go here!  And another preview, here  

Thank you Sara for choosing HankOrange to be part of your very special day.  

The day your Hero came HOME! 

Photo courtesy of Jen Hammer Photography

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome Home

Welcome.  Home.  The two words are simple.  But when combined together, their meaning is powerful, Welcome Home. 

The words might not mean much to you, but to me, the two words are what you look forward to saying for months.  They could be two of the sweetest words you could ever hear.  ‘Welcome Home.’

Those two words can also bring on lots of emotion.  I associate the words with deployment.  When I hear ‘Welcome Home,’ I often get goose bumps thinking about a soldier who is about to be reunited with his or her loved ones after a lengthy separation.  And by lengthy, I mean months.  And lots of them. 

Much preparation goes into ‘welcome home’ when welcoming home a loved one from a war zone.  You count down the days.  You think about what you will say, what you will wear, and what it will be like to finally be reunited. 

The reunion.  What you look forward to from the moment they walk away from your family, and almost every moment they are gone, until the day they return.

As a military spouse, I’ve been honored to attend several Welcome Home ceremonies – for both my soldier and several for friends returning from the war zone. 

I’m honored that HankOrange has been asked to create special ‘welcome home’ shirts for both boys and girls.  I get goose bumps every time thinking about a little one getting to see his or her Daddy (or Mommy) very soon!  What an honor it is!

Thank you to those who have trusted HankOrange.  And a much bigger Thank You to those who have severed and continue to serve our country.   

Welcome Home heros!



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